Gut health experts like Dr. Natasha Campbell-Mcbride describes the digestive system as either a major source of nourishment or a major source of toxicity affecting every other bodily function. She states “The body works as a whole: whatever affects the brain and causes mental symptoms is at the same time affecting other organs in the body, which in turn respond with their own uncomfortable symptoms.” Here is where we get transparent. As I grew out of adolesence I began to notice drastic changes in my mood just before my monthly period, impacting my relationships with family and friends. After learning PMDD and various other hormonal disorders ran in my family, I accepted that anxiety and depression would be something I would have to routinely have to manage. Traditionally mental health disorders like anxiety and depression have been treated chemically to prevent the reabsorption of serotonin making it stay in the body system longer. The fact of the matter is that about 95% of serotonin and about 50% of dopamine is produced in the gut meaning that if the gut becomes imbalanced it will surly negatively impact the body’s chemical makeup agitating mental disorders like anxiety and depression.
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