Plot Twist!

Sometimes life hands us circumstances that we haven't planned for. We need to be able to support our mental health through the tough times and still know to stop and enjoy the sunshine!

Whether you a processing a stressful experience or a new schedule, putting in practice habits to support an overall improved mood is all you'll need to tap into your fullest potential.  

When life hands you lemons, make lemondae

Morning meditations, cuddles with my adorable son + sexy life partner, avo toast, working up a sweat on my peloton, and deep conditioning my hair

daily rituals

Guesting on podcasts, coaching calls with my delightful clients, making dinner, and being interviewed by our local news channels.


Excuses, pitty, lack, self-limitation, mental chatter, and "realistic goals"


Straight talk, unimaginable success, short emails, data, and cutting out the 'meh' to make room for the very best.


It's all in the small daily habits. All it takes is a little resiliency and a vision to overcome any obstacle! You just need a little help tapping in. No sweat chica! Imagine how quickly you will experience a break through with me on your team? I know you can do it alone but why should you? You can spend months and years banking on self discipline and determination or you can cut out all the nonsense and start building new habits! I am that coach that will have you cracking up and crushing goals!

My superpower is helping women become the best version of themselves while pursuing the kind of life they actually want.... one with abundant freedom, joy, and peace. 

It took some time for me to process my unplanned pregnancy and a drastic career shift but eventually I was able to set new goals that encompassed my new reality. Everyday I had to chose. Positive mindset or lack mindset. Some days I had to chose over and over. The days turned to months and soon with they help of my own coach, I had reprogrammed my mind and my expectations for myself.

Live your best life

Ayurveda Podcast


Fries all day honey!


How to be Loving


Semi-dry Riesling


Schitt's Creek.. my 10th episode?



My Favorite Things

I also have traveling more on my bucket list. I love a good wanderlust moment.

my happy place!

Barnes n Noble all day every day. I mean, fresh coffee and a new book? No comparison!

I love my nerdy side that will have me reading articles and books all day but you can easily catch me throwing together a cute outfit for cocktails.

My Favorite Things

Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.

Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.

my guilty pleasure

Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical.


Hair Products


Au Natural

Early Bird

Comfy Cozy



Skin Care 



Night Owl

A bomb outfit


Where I stand on the super important stuff... Agree / disagree? 

This      That


“I've lost 30 pounds! I am forever grateful to Shayla for helping me eat healthier.”


so they say:

On my channel you will find everything from weekend vlogs to hair tutorials. I love diversifying my content and giving viewers a sneak peak into my busy world as a mompreneuer. 

Like inspiring videos? Check me out on Youtube!

let's work together

If your anything like me you understand the importance of feeling your best. During our sessions we will cover how nutrition play a huge role in mood management. You will learn about how important it is to manage the stress levels in your life by utilizing meditation techniques .

did we just become best friends?